The community of Princeton, NJ is 19% foreign born, compared to the US average of 12%.
Princeton has 4400 households with an average of 2.5 people. 49 percent are married couples. 36% of non-married households are residents living alone.
It takes an average of 19 minutes for people to commute to work in Princeton. The average commute in the US is 25 minutes.
Income of families in Princeton on average is $147K, 2.3 times larger than the nationwide average family income of $62K. Princeton families below poverty level is at 2.9%, 3.4 times lower than the US poverty level of 9.9%.
Education in Princeton, NJ is above average, where 76% of residents have college degrees. This is 2.8 times above the nationwide average of 27%.
References: American Community Survey & US Census Bureau on Princeton NJ and Wikipedia on Princeton NJ